AbstractDataStore - Class in net.sf.uadetector.datastore
The abstract implementation to store UAS data only in the heap space.
AbstractDataStore(Data, DataReader, URL, URL, Charset) - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.datastore.AbstractDataStore
Constructs an new instance of AbstractDataStore.
AbstractDataStore(DataReader, String, String, Charset) - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.datastore.AbstractDataStore
Constructs an AbstractDataStore by reading the given dataUrl as UAS data.
AbstractDataStore(DataReader, URL, URL, Charset) - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.datastore.AbstractDataStore
Constructs an AbstractDataStore by reading the given dataUrl as UAS data.
AbstractRefreshableDataStore - Class in net.sf.uadetector.datastore
This abstract implementation provides basic update functionality to be able to update the UAS data in your data store.
AbstractRefreshableDataStore(DataReader, String, String, Charset, DataStore) - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.datastore.AbstractRefreshableDataStore
Constructs an AbstractDataStore by reading the given dataUrl as UAS data.
AbstractRefreshableDataStore(DataReader, URL, URL, Charset, DataStore) - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.datastore.AbstractRefreshableDataStore
Constructs an AbstractDataStore by reading the given dataUrl as UAS data.
AbstractUpdateOperation - Class in net.sf.uadetector.datastore
Provides a basic implementation to update UAS data in the background when calling AbstractUpdateOperation.run().
AbstractUpdateOperation(RefreshableDataStore) - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.datastore.AbstractUpdateOperation
AbstractUserAgentStringParser - Class in net.sf.uadetector.parser
AbstractUserAgentStringParser() - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.parser.AbstractUserAgentStringParser
addPatterns(Set<OperatingSystemPattern>) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystem.Builder
AlphanumComparator - Class in net.sf.uadetector.internal.util
This is an updated version with enhancements made by Daniel Migowski, Andre Bogus, and David Koelle To convert to use Templates (Java 1.5+): - Change "implements Comparator" to "implements Comparator" - Change "compare(Object o1, Object o2)" to "compare(String s1, String s2)" - Remove the type checking and casting in compare().
AlphanumComparator() - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.internal.util.AlphanumComparator
appendBrowser(Browser) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.DataBuilder
appendBrowserBuilder(Browser.Builder) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.DataBuilder
Appends a copy of the given Browser.Builder to the internal data structure.
appendBrowserOperatingSystemMapping(BrowserOperatingSystemMapping) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.DataBuilder
appendBrowserPattern(BrowserPattern) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.DataBuilder
Appends a browser pattern to the map of pattern sorted by ID.
appendBrowserType(BrowserType) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.DataBuilder
appendDevice(Device) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.DataBuilder
appendDeviceBuilder(Device.Builder) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.DataBuilder
Appends a copy of the given Device.Builder to the internal data structure.
appendDevicePattern(DevicePattern) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.DataBuilder
Appends a device pattern to the map of pattern sorted by ID.
appendOperatingSystem(OperatingSystem) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.DataBuilder
appendOperatingSystemBuilder(OperatingSystem.Builder) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.DataBuilder
Appends a copy of the given OperatingSystem.Builder to the internal data structure.
appendOperatingSystemPattern(OperatingSystemPattern) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.DataBuilder
Appends an operating system pattern to the map of pattern sorted by ID.
appendRobot(Robot) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.DataBuilder


Browser - Class in net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain
Browser(int, UserAgentFamily, String, SortedSet<BrowserPattern>, BrowserType, OperatingSystem, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser
Browser.Builder - Class in net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain
Browser.Builder() - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser.Builder
Browser.Builder(Browser) - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser.Builder
Browser.Builder(Browser.Builder) - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser.Builder
Creates a new instance of a builder with the data of the passed builder.
BrowserOperatingSystemMapping - Class in net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain
BrowserOperatingSystemMapping(int, int) - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.BrowserOperatingSystemMapping
Constructs an instance of BrowserOperatingSystemMapping.
BrowserOperatingSystemMapping.Builder - Class in net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain
BrowserOperatingSystemMapping.Builder() - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.BrowserOperatingSystemMapping.Builder
BrowserOperatingSystemMappingComparator - Class in net.sf.uadetector.internal.data
BrowserPattern - Class in net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain
The BrowserPattern class represents the detection information for a browser specific item.
BrowserPattern(int, Pattern, int) - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.BrowserPattern
BrowserPattern.Builder - Class in net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain
Factory that creates instances of BrowserPattern via method calls.
BrowserPattern.Builder() - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.BrowserPattern.Builder
BrowserType - Class in net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain
The BrowserType class represents the type of a browser.
BrowserType(int, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.BrowserType
BrowserType.Builder - Class in net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain
BrowserType.Builder() - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.BrowserType.Builder
build() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.DeviceCategory.Builder
build() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.DataBuilder
build() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser.Builder
build() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.BrowserOperatingSystemMapping.Builder
Build an instance of BrowserOperatingSystemMapping.
build() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.BrowserPattern.Builder
Builds a new instance of BrowserPattern and returns it.
build() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.BrowserType.Builder
Builds a new instance of BrowserType and returns it.
build() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Device.Builder
build() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.DevicePattern.Builder
Builds a new instance of DevicePattern and returns it.
build() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystem.Builder
build() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystemPattern.Builder
Builds a new instance of OperatingSystemPattern and returns it.
build() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Robot.Builder
build(String) - Static method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.util.UrlUtil
Creates an URL instance from the given String representation.
build() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent.Builder


CachingXmlDataStore - Class in net.sf.uadetector.datastore
Implementation of a DataStore which is able to recover UAS data in XML format from a cache file.
call() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.datastore.UpdateOperation
This function checks whether updated UAS data are available and updates silently the data in a DataStore.
CannotCloseException - Exception in net.sf.uadetector.exception
Thrown to indicate that a Closeable cannot be closed.
CannotCloseException() - Constructor for exception net.sf.uadetector.exception.CannotCloseException
Constructs an CannotCloseException with the default message CannotCloseException.DEFAULT_MESSAGE.
CannotCloseException(String) - Constructor for exception net.sf.uadetector.exception.CannotCloseException
Constructs an CannotCloseException with the message CannotCloseException.MESSAGE_WITH_INFO including additional information.
CannotCloseException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.sf.uadetector.exception.CannotCloseException
Constructs a new exception with the message CannotCloseException.MESSAGE_WITH_INFO including additional information.
CannotCloseException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.sf.uadetector.exception.CannotCloseException
Constructs a new exception with the default message CannotCloseException.DEFAULT_MESSAGE.
CanNotOpenStreamException - Exception in net.sf.uadetector.exception
Thrown to indicate that no stream to an URL can be established.
CanNotOpenStreamException() - Constructor for exception net.sf.uadetector.exception.CanNotOpenStreamException
Constructs an CanNotOpenStreamException with the default message CanNotOpenStreamException.DEFAULT_MESSAGE.
CanNotOpenStreamException(String) - Constructor for exception net.sf.uadetector.exception.CanNotOpenStreamException
Constructs an CanNotOpenStreamException with the message CanNotOpenStreamException.MESSAGE_WITH_URL including the given URL as string representation.
CanNotOpenStreamException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.sf.uadetector.exception.CanNotOpenStreamException
Constructs a new exception with the message CanNotOpenStreamException.MESSAGE_WITH_URL including the given URL as string representation and cause.
CanNotOpenStreamException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.sf.uadetector.exception.CanNotOpenStreamException
Constructs a new exception with the default message CanNotOpenStreamException.DEFAULT_MESSAGE.
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.XmlDataHandler
close(Closeable, boolean) - Static method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.util.Closeables
Closes a Closeable and swallows an occurring IOException if argument swallowIOException is true, otherwise the IOException will be thrown.
Closeables - Class in net.sf.uadetector.internal.util
This class is intended to provide utility methods to close Closeable instances.
closeAndConvert(Closeable, boolean) - Static method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.util.Closeables
Closes a Closeable and swallows an occurring IOException if argument swallowIOException is true, otherwise the IOException will be converted into a runtime exception.
compare(String, String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.util.AlphanumComparator
compare(T, T) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.util.CompareNullSafe
Compares two objects null safe to each other.
compareDigits(String, String) - Static method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.util.AlphanumComparator
compareInt(int, int) - Static method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.util.CompareNullSafe
Compares to integers.
CompareNullSafe<T> - Class in net.sf.uadetector.internal.util
Compares two references to each other and null is assumed to be less than a non-null value.
CompareNullSafe() - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.internal.util.CompareNullSafe
compareTo(BrowserPattern) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.BrowserPattern
Compares all attributes of this instance with the given instance of a BrowserPattern.
compareTo(DevicePattern) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.DevicePattern
Compares all attributes of this instance with the given instance of a DevicePattern.
compareTo(OperatingSystemPattern) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystemPattern
Compares all attributes of this instance with the given instance of a OperatingSystemPattern.
compareTo(ReadableVersionNumber) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.VersionNumber
Compares this version number with the specified version number for order.
compareType(BrowserOperatingSystemMapping, BrowserOperatingSystemMapping) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.BrowserOperatingSystemMappingComparator
compareType(Identifiable, Identifiable) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.IdentifiableComparator
compareType(T, T) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.OrderedPatternComparator
compareType(T, T) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.util.CompareNullSafe
convertPatternToPerlRegex(Pattern) - Static method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.util.RegularExpressionConverter
Converts a given Pattern into a PERL style regular expression.
convertPerlRegexToPattern(String) - Static method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.util.RegularExpressionConverter
Converts a PERL style regular expression into Java style.
convertPerlRegexToPattern(String, boolean) - Static method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.util.RegularExpressionConverter
Converts a PERL style regular expression into Java style.
convertToBitmask(Collection<RegularExpressionConverter.Flag>) - Static method in enum net.sf.uadetector.internal.util.RegularExpressionConverter.Flag
Converts a set of flags as to a bitmask (sum of numerical values).
convertToModifiers(Collection<RegularExpressionConverter.Flag>) - Static method in enum net.sf.uadetector.internal.util.RegularExpressionConverter.Flag
Converts a set of flags as to a string representation.
copy() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser.Builder
Creates a copy (with all its data) of the current builder.
copy() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Device.Builder
Creates a copy (with all its data) of the current builder.
copy() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystem.Builder
Creates a copy (with all its data) of the current builder.
copyTo(UserAgent.Builder) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser
Copy values from itself to a UserAgentInfo.Builder.
copyTo(UserAgent.Builder) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystem
Copies all information of the current operating system entry to the given user agent builder.
copyTo(UserAgent.Builder) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Robot
createBackgroundExecutor() - Static method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.util.ExecutorServices
Creates a single-threaded executor that is registered by this class in order to shut it down later (when it becomes necessary).
createCachingXmlDataStore(DataStore) - Static method in class net.sf.uadetector.datastore.CachingXmlDataStore
Constructs a new instance of CachingXmlDataStore with the given arguments.
createCachingXmlDataStore(File, DataStore) - Static method in class net.sf.uadetector.datastore.CachingXmlDataStore
Constructs a new instance of CachingXmlDataStore with the given arguments.
createCachingXmlDataStore(File, URL, URL, Charset, DataStore) - Static method in class net.sf.uadetector.datastore.CachingXmlDataStore
Constructs a new instance of CachingXmlDataStore with the given arguments.
createCachingXmlDataStore(URL, URL, Charset, DataStore) - Static method in class net.sf.uadetector.datastore.CachingXmlDataStore
Constructs a new instance of CachingXmlDataStore with the given arguments.
createScheduler() - Static method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.util.ExecutorServices
Creates a single-threaded scheduler that is registered by this class in order to shut it down later (when it becomes necessary).


DaemonThreadFactory - Class in net.sf.uadetector.internal.util
Factory to create daemon threads that runs as a background process and do not blocks an application shutdown
DaemonThreadFactory(String) - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.internal.util.DaemonThreadFactory
Creates a new DaemonThreadFactory which creates itself threads with the specified name.
Data - Class in net.sf.uadetector.internal.data
This class represents the detection information of UADetector.
Data(Set<Browser>, Map<Integer, SortedSet<BrowserPattern>>, Map<Integer, BrowserType>, SortedMap<BrowserPattern, Browser>, Set<BrowserOperatingSystemMapping>, Set<OperatingSystem>, Map<Integer, SortedSet<OperatingSystemPattern>>, SortedMap<OperatingSystemPattern, OperatingSystem>, List<Robot>, Set<Device>, Map<Integer, SortedSet<DevicePattern>>, SortedMap<DevicePattern, Device>, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.Data
DataBuilder - Class in net.sf.uadetector.internal.data
This class is intended to create instances of Data.
DataBuilder() - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.DataBuilder
DataReader - Interface in net.sf.uadetector.datareader
Interface for data readers that reads User-Agent informations for implementations of UserAgentStringParser.
DataStore - Interface in net.sf.uadetector.datastore
Defines an interface to store UAS data where ever you want.
DEFAULT_CHARSET - Static variable in interface net.sf.uadetector.datastore.DataStore
Default character set to read UAS data
DEFAULT_DATA_URL - Static variable in interface net.sf.uadetector.datastore.DataStore
URL to retrieve the current UAS data as XML
DEFAULT_MESSAGE - Static variable in exception net.sf.uadetector.exception.CannotCloseException
DEFAULT_MESSAGE - Static variable in exception net.sf.uadetector.exception.CanNotOpenStreamException
DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL - Static variable in interface net.sf.uadetector.datastore.UpdateOperation
The default interval to check for updates is once per day
DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL - Static variable in class net.sf.uadetector.parser.UpdatingUserAgentStringParserImpl
The default interval to check for updates is once per day
DEFAULT_VERSION_URL - Static variable in interface net.sf.uadetector.datastore.DataStore
URL to retrieve the current version of the UAS data
Device - Class in net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain
Device(String, int, ReadableDeviceCategory.Category, String, String, SortedSet<DevicePattern>) - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Device
Device.Builder - Class in net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain
Device.Builder() - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Device.Builder
Device.Builder(Device) - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Device.Builder
DeviceCategory - Class in net.sf.uadetector
DeviceCategory(ReadableDeviceCategory.Category, String, String, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.DeviceCategory
DeviceCategory.Builder - Class in net.sf.uadetector
DeviceCategory.Builder() - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.DeviceCategory.Builder
DeviceCategory.Builder(DeviceCategory) - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.DeviceCategory.Builder
DevicePattern - Class in net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain
The DevicePattern class represents the detection information for a device specific item.
DevicePattern(int, Pattern, int) - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.DevicePattern
DevicePattern.Builder - Class in net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain
Factory that creates instances of DevicePattern via method calls.
DevicePattern.Builder() - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.DevicePattern.Builder


EMPTY - Static variable in class net.sf.uadetector.DeviceCategory
Represents a not set device category.
EMPTY - Static variable in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.Data
An immutable empty Data object.
EMPTY - Static variable in class net.sf.uadetector.OperatingSystem
EMPTY - Static variable in class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent
EMPTY_EXTENSION - Static variable in class net.sf.uadetector.VersionNumber
Empty extension or addition of a version number
EMPTY_GROUP - Static variable in class net.sf.uadetector.VersionNumber
Empty group or category of a version number
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.XmlDataHandler
equals(Object) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.DeviceCategory
equals(Object) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.Data
equals(Object) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser
equals(Object) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.BrowserOperatingSystemMapping
equals(Object) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.BrowserPattern
equals(Object) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.BrowserType
equals(Object) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Device
equals(Object) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.DevicePattern
equals(Object) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystem
equals(Object) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystemPattern
equals(Object) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Robot
equals(Object) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.OperatingSystem
equals(Object) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent
equals(Object) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.VersionNumber
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this version number.
error(SAXParseException) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.XmlDataHandler
evaluate(String) - Static method in enum net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.XmlDataHandler.Tag
evaluate(String) - Static method in enum net.sf.uadetector.OperatingSystemFamily
This method try to find by the given family name a matching enum value.
evaluate(String) - Static method in enum net.sf.uadetector.ReadableDeviceCategory.Category
Tries to find by the given category name a matching enum value.
evaluate(String) - Static method in enum net.sf.uadetector.UserAgentFamily
This method try to find by the given family name a matching enum value.
evaluateByCharacter(char) - Static method in enum net.sf.uadetector.internal.util.RegularExpressionConverter.Flag
This method try to find a matching enum value by the given character representation.
evaluateByName(String) - Static method in enum net.sf.uadetector.OperatingSystemFamily
This method try to find by the given family name a matching enum value.
evaluateByName(String) - Static method in enum net.sf.uadetector.UserAgentFamily
This method try to find by the given family name a matching enum value.
evaluateByNumber(int) - Static method in enum net.sf.uadetector.internal.util.RegularExpressionConverter.Flag
This method try to find a matching enum value by the given numerical representation.
evaluateByPattern(String) - Static method in enum net.sf.uadetector.OperatingSystemFamily
This method try to find by the given family name a matching enum value.
evaluateByPattern(String) - Static method in enum net.sf.uadetector.UserAgentFamily
This method try to find by the given family name a matching enum value.
evaluateByTypeName(String) - Static method in enum net.sf.uadetector.UserAgentType
This method try to find by the given type name a matching enum value.
ExecutorServices - Class in net.sf.uadetector.internal.util
This utility is intended to provide predefined ExecutorServices which runs in background and can be easily shut-downed within ExecutorServices.shutdownAll() if necessary.


fatalError(SAXParseException) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.XmlDataHandler
FileUtil - Class in net.sf.uadetector.internal.util
This class is intended to provide file utility functions.
findOrCreateCacheFile() - Static method in class net.sf.uadetector.datastore.CachingXmlDataStore
Gets the cache file for UAS data in the default temporary-file directory.


getBrowserId() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.BrowserOperatingSystemMapping.Builder
Gets the identification number of a browser entry.
getBrowserId() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.BrowserOperatingSystemMapping
getBrowserPatterns() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.Data
getBrowsers() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.Data
getBrowserToOperatingSystemMappings() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.Data
getBrowserTypes() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.Data
getBugfix() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.ReadableVersionNumber
Gets the bugfix category of the version number.
getBugfix() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.VersionNumber
Gets the bugfix category of the version number.
getCategory() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.DeviceCategory
getCategory() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Device
getCategory() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.ReadableDeviceCategory
Gets the enum value of a category.
getCharacter() - Method in enum net.sf.uadetector.internal.util.RegularExpressionConverter.Flag
Returns this flag as character representation.
getCharset() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.datastore.AbstractDataStore
getCharset() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.datastore.AbstractRefreshableDataStore
getCharset() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.datastore.DataStore
Gets the character set in which the UAS data will be read.
getData() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.datastore.AbstractDataStore
getData() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.datastore.AbstractRefreshableDataStore
getData() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.datastore.DataStore
Gets the UAS data which are currently set.
getDataReader() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.datastore.AbstractDataStore
getDataReader() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.datastore.AbstractRefreshableDataStore
getDataReader() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.datastore.DataStore
Gets the data reader to read in UAS data.
getDataStore() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.parser.AbstractUserAgentStringParser
Gets the data store of this parser.
getDataStore() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.parser.UserAgentStringParserImpl
getDataUrl() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.datastore.AbstractDataStore
getDataUrl() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.datastore.AbstractRefreshableDataStore
getDataUrl() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.datastore.DataStore
Gets the URL from which the UAS data can be read.
getDataVersion() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.parser.AbstractUserAgentStringParser
getDataVersion() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.UserAgentStringParser
Returns the current version information of the used UAS data.
getDeviceCategory() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.ReadableUserAgent
Gets the detected device category.
getDeviceCategory() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent.Builder
getDeviceCategory() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent
getDevicePatterns() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.Data
getDevices() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.Data
getExtension() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.ReadableVersionNumber
Gets the additions or extension of the version number.
getExtension() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.VersionNumber
Gets the addition or extension of the version number.
getFallback() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.datastore.AbstractRefreshableDataStore
getFallback() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.datastore.RefreshableDataStore
This method returns a data store which will be used during start up and can be used in emergency cases.
getFamily() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser.Builder
getFamily() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser
getFamily() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystem.Builder
getFamily() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystem
getFamily() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Robot
getFamily() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.OperatingSystem
getFamily() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.ReadableOperatingSystem
Gets the family of an operating system.
getFamily() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.ReadableUserAgent
Gets the family of an user agent.
getFamily() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent.Builder
getFamily() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent
getFamilyName() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser.Builder
getFamilyName() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser
getFamilyName() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Robot
getFamilyName() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.OperatingSystem
getFamilyName() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.ReadableOperatingSystem
Gets the family name of an operating system.
getGroups() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.ReadableVersionNumber
Get all groups (or categories) of this version number.
getGroups() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.VersionNumber
Get all groups (or categories) of this version number.
getIcon() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.DeviceCategory
getIcon() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser.Builder
getIcon() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser
getIcon() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Device.Builder
getIcon() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Device
getIcon() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystem.Builder
getIcon() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystem
getIcon() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Robot
getIcon() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.OperatingSystem
getIcon() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.ReadableDeviceCategory
Gets the icon of the category.
getIcon() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.ReadableOperatingSystem
Gets the icon name of an operating system.
getIcon() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.ReadableUserAgent
Gets the icon name of an user agent.
getIcon() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent.Builder
getIcon() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent
getId() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser.Builder
getId() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser
getId() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.BrowserPattern
Gets the identification number (ID) of a browser pattern.
getId() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.BrowserType
Gets the identification number (ID) of a browser type.
getId() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Device.Builder
getId() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Device
getId() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.DevicePattern
Gets the identification number (ID) of a device pattern.
getId() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Identifiable
Returns the identifier (ID) of an instance.
getId() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystem.Builder
getId() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystem
getId() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystemPattern
Gets the identification number (ID) of an operating system pattern.
getId() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Robot
getInfoUrl() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.DeviceCategory
getInfoUrl() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser.Builder
getInfoUrl() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser
getInfoUrl() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Device.Builder
getInfoUrl() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Device
getInfoUrl() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystem.Builder
getInfoUrl() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystem
getInfoUrl() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Robot
getInfoUrl() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.ReadableDeviceCategory
Returns the URL to get more informations behind a category.
getLastUpdateCheck() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.datastore.AbstractUpdateOperation
Gets the time of the last update check in milliseconds.
getLastUpdateCheck() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.datastore.UpdateOperation
Gets the time of the last update check in milliseconds.
getMajor() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.ReadableVersionNumber
Gets the major category of the version number.
getMajor() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.VersionNumber
Gets the major category of the version number.
getMinor() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.ReadableVersionNumber
Gets the minor category of the version number.
getMinor() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.VersionNumber
Gets the major category of the version number.
getName() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.DeviceCategory
getName() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.BrowserType
getName() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Device.Builder
getName() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Device
getName() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystem.Builder
getName() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystem
getName() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Robot
getName() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.OperatingSystem
getName() - Method in enum net.sf.uadetector.OperatingSystemFamily
Gets the internal family name in the UAS database.
getName() - Method in enum net.sf.uadetector.ReadableDeviceCategory.Category
Returns the name of the device category.
getName() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.ReadableDeviceCategory
Gets the category name.
getName() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.ReadableOperatingSystem
Gets the name of an operating system.
getName() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.ReadableUserAgent
Gets the name of an user agent.
getName() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent.Builder
getName() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent
getName() - Method in enum net.sf.uadetector.UserAgentFamily
Gets the internal family name in the UAS database.
getName() - Method in enum net.sf.uadetector.UserAgentType
Returns the name of the user agent type.
getNumber() - Method in enum net.sf.uadetector.internal.util.RegularExpressionConverter.Flag
Returns this flag as numerical representation.
getOperatingSystem() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser.Builder
getOperatingSystem() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser
getOperatingSystem() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.ReadableUserAgent
Gets the operating system on which the user agent is running.
getOperatingSystem() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent.Builder
getOperatingSystem() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent
getOperatingSystemId() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.BrowserOperatingSystemMapping.Builder
Gets the identification number of an operating system entry.
getOperatingSystemId() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.BrowserOperatingSystemMapping
getOperatingSystemPatterns() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.Data
getOperatingSystems() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.Data
getPattern() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.BrowserPattern
getPattern() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.DevicePattern
getPattern() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystemPattern
getPattern() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OrderedPattern
Gets a compiled representation of a regular expression.
getPattern() - Method in enum net.sf.uadetector.OperatingSystemFamily
Gets the regular expression which a family name must be match with.
getPattern() - Method in enum net.sf.uadetector.UserAgentFamily
Gets the regular expression which a family name must be match with.
getPatterns() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser.Builder
getPatterns() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser
getPatterns() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Device.Builder
getPatterns() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Device
getPatterns() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystem.Builder
getPatterns() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystem
getPatternToBrowserMap() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.Data
getPatternToDeviceMap() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.Data
getPatternToOperatingSystemMap() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.Data
getPosition() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.BrowserPattern
getPosition() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.DevicePattern
getPosition() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystemPattern
getPosition() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OrderedPattern
Gets the position of a browser pattern in a set of patterns.
getProducer() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser.Builder
getProducer() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser
getProducer() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystem.Builder
getProducer() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystem
getProducer() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Robot
getProducer() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.OperatingSystem
getProducer() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.ReadableOperatingSystem
Returns the manufacturer of an operating system.
getProducer() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.ReadableUserAgent
Returns the manufacturer of an user agent.
getProducer() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent.Builder
getProducer() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent
getProducerUrl() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser.Builder
getProducerUrl() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser
getProducerUrl() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystem.Builder
getProducerUrl() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystem
getProducerUrl() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Robot
getProducerUrl() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.OperatingSystem
getProducerUrl() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.ReadableOperatingSystem
Returns the URL to the main website of the manufacturer of an operating system.
getProducerUrl() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.ReadableUserAgent
Returns the URL to the main website of the manufacturer of an user agent.
getProducerUrl() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent.Builder
getProducerUrl() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent
getRobots() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.Data
getTagName() - Method in enum net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.XmlDataHandler.Tag
getType() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser.Builder
getType() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser
getType() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.ReadableUserAgent
Returns the type of an user agent, for example, mobile browser or email client.
getType() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent.Builder
getType() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent
getTypeId() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser.Builder
getTypeName() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.ReadableUserAgent
Returns the type name of an user agent, for example, mobile browser or email client.
getTypeName() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent.Builder
getTypeName() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent
getUpdateInterval() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.parser.UpdatingUserAgentStringParserImpl
Gets the current update interval in milliseconds.
getUpdateOperation() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.datastore.AbstractRefreshableDataStore
getUpdateOperation() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.datastore.RefreshableDataStore
Returns the update operation of this data store which can be triggered within an executor service.
getUrl() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser.Builder
getUrl() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser
getUrl() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystem.Builder
getUrl() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystem
getUrl() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.OperatingSystem
getUrl() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.ReadableOperatingSystem
Returns the URL to the product or information page of an operating system.
getUrl() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.ReadableUserAgent
Returns the URL to the product or information page of an user agent.
getUrl() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent.Builder
getUrl() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent
getUserAgentString() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Robot
getUserAgentString() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent.Builder
getVersion() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.Data
Gets the version of the UAS data which are available within this instance.
getVersionNumber() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.OperatingSystem
getVersionNumber() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.ReadableOperatingSystem
Gets the version number of an operating system.
getVersionNumber() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.ReadableUserAgent
Gets the version number of an user agent.
getVersionNumber() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent.Builder
getVersionNumber() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent
getVersionUrl() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.datastore.AbstractDataStore
getVersionUrl() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.datastore.AbstractRefreshableDataStore
getVersionUrl() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.datastore.DataStore
Gets the URL from which version information about the UAS data can be read.


hasError() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.XmlDataHandler
Gets the flag whether an error occurred while parsing the document.
hashCode() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.DeviceCategory
hashCode() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.Data
hashCode() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser
hashCode() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.BrowserOperatingSystemMapping
hashCode() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.BrowserPattern
hashCode() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.BrowserType
hashCode() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Device
hashCode() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.DevicePattern
hashCode() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystem
hashCode() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystemPattern
hashCode() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Robot
hashCode() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.OperatingSystem
hashCode() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent
hashCode() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.VersionNumber
hasWarning() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.XmlDataHandler
Gets the flag whether an warning occurred while parsing the document.


Identifiable - Interface in net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain
Defines domain objects that have a numeric identifier (ID).
IdentifiableComparator - Class in net.sf.uadetector.internal.data
IniDataWriter - Class in net.sf.uadetector.writer
This utility is intended to transform an instance of Data into an UAS data conform XML document and allows us to recreate an uas.xml.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.BrowserOperatingSystemMappingComparator
INSTANCE - Static variable in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.IdentifiableComparator
isBrowserOsMappingTag(String) - Static method in enum net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.XmlDataHandler.Tag
isBrowserPatternTag(String) - Static method in enum net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.XmlDataHandler.Tag
isBrowserTag(String) - Static method in enum net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.XmlDataHandler.Tag
isBrowserTypeTag(String) - Static method in enum net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.XmlDataHandler.Tag
isDevicePatternTag(String) - Static method in enum net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.XmlDataHandler.Tag
isDeviceTag(String) - Static method in enum net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.XmlDataHandler.Tag
isEmpty(File, Charset) - Static method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.util.FileUtil
Checks if the given file is empty.
isIdTag(String) - Static method in enum net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.XmlDataHandler.Tag
isOperatingSystemPatternTag(String) - Static method in enum net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.XmlDataHandler.Tag
isOperatingSystemTag(String) - Static method in enum net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.XmlDataHandler.Tag
isRobotTag(String) - Static method in enum net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.XmlDataHandler.Tag
isUpdateAvailable() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.datastore.AbstractUpdateOperation
Fetches the current version information over HTTP and compares it with the last version of the most recently imported data.


logParsingIssue(String, SAXParseException) - Static method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.XmlDataHandler
Logs an issue while parsing XML.


MESSAGE_WITH_INFO - Static variable in exception net.sf.uadetector.exception.CannotCloseException
MESSAGE_WITH_URL - Static variable in exception net.sf.uadetector.exception.CanNotOpenStreamException
MSG_FAULTY_CONTENT - Static variable in interface net.sf.uadetector.datastore.RefreshableDataStore
Message for the log if the read content can not be processed correctly
MSG_URL_NOT_READABLE - Static variable in interface net.sf.uadetector.datastore.RefreshableDataStore
Message for the log if the UAS data can not be read from the given URL


net.sf.uadetector - package net.sf.uadetector
Copyright 2012 André Rouél Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
net.sf.uadetector.datareader - package net.sf.uadetector.datareader
Copyright 2012 André Rouél Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
net.sf.uadetector.datastore - package net.sf.uadetector.datastore
Copyright 2012 André Rouél Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
net.sf.uadetector.exception - package net.sf.uadetector.exception
Copyright 2012 André Rouél Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
net.sf.uadetector.internal.data - package net.sf.uadetector.internal.data
Copyright 2012 André Rouél Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain - package net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain
Copyright 2012 André Rouél Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
net.sf.uadetector.internal.util - package net.sf.uadetector.internal.util
Copyright 2012 André Rouél Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
net.sf.uadetector.parser - package net.sf.uadetector.parser
Copyright 2012 André Rouél Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
net.sf.uadetector.writer - package net.sf.uadetector.writer
Copyright 2012 André Rouél Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
newThread(Runnable) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.util.DaemonThreadFactory


OnlineXmlDataStore - Class in net.sf.uadetector.datastore
This is the simplest implementation of a RefreshableDataStore.
OnlineXmlDataStore(DataStore) - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.datastore.OnlineXmlDataStore
Constructs an OnlineXmlDataStore by reading UAS data by the specified default URL DataStore.DEFAULT_DATA_URL (in XML format).
open(URL) - Static method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.util.UrlUtil
Tries to open an InputStream to the given URL.
OperatingSystem - Class in net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain
OperatingSystem(int, String, String, String, SortedSet<OperatingSystemPattern>, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystem
OperatingSystem - Class in net.sf.uadetector
OperatingSystem is an immutable entity that represents the informations about an operating system like Linux, Mac OS X or Windows.
OperatingSystem(OperatingSystemFamily, String, String, String, String, String, String, VersionNumber) - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.OperatingSystem
OperatingSystem.Builder - Class in net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain
OperatingSystem.Builder() - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystem.Builder
OperatingSystem.Builder(OperatingSystem.Builder) - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystem.Builder
Creates a new instance of a builder with the data of the passed builder.
OperatingSystem.Builder(OperatingSystem) - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystem.Builder
OperatingSystemFamily - Enum in net.sf.uadetector
This enum represents the more commonly used operating system families.
OperatingSystemPattern - Class in net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain
The OperatingSystemPattern class represents the detection information for a specific operating system item.
OperatingSystemPattern(int, Pattern, int) - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystemPattern
OperatingSystemPattern.Builder - Class in net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain
Factory that creates instances of OperatingSystemPattern via method calls.
OperatingSystemPattern.Builder() - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystemPattern.Builder
OrderedPattern<T extends OrderedPattern<?>> - Interface in net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain
OrderedPatternComparator<T extends java.lang.Comparable<T>> - Class in net.sf.uadetector.internal.data
OrderedPatternComparator() - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.OrderedPatternComparator


parse(InputStream, DataBuilder) - Static method in class net.sf.uadetector.datareader.XmlDataReader.XmlParser
parse(int) - Static method in enum net.sf.uadetector.internal.util.RegularExpressionConverter.Flag
Parses a sum of flags as numerical values (bitmask) and translates it to set of enum values.
parse(String) - Static method in enum net.sf.uadetector.internal.util.RegularExpressionConverter.Flag
Translates PERL style modifiers to a set of Pattern compatible ones.
parse(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.parser.AbstractUserAgentStringParser
parse(String) - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.UserAgentStringParser
Detects informations about a network client based on a user agent string.
parseLastVersionNumber(String) - Static method in class net.sf.uadetector.VersionNumber
Interprets a string with version information.
parseOperatingSystemVersion(OperatingSystemFamily, String) - Static method in class net.sf.uadetector.VersionNumber
Try to determine the version number of the operating system by parsing the user agent string.
parseVersion(String) - Static method in class net.sf.uadetector.VersionNumber
Interprets a string with version information.


read(URL, Charset) - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.datareader.DataReader
Reads UAS data from the given URL.
read(String) - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.datareader.DataReader
Reads UAS data from the given String.
read(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.datareader.XmlDataReader
Reads the UAS data in XML format from the given string.
read(URL, Charset) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.datareader.XmlDataReader
Reads the UAS data in XML format based on the given URL.
read(URL, Charset) - Static method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.util.UrlUtil
Reads the content of the passed URL as string representation.
ReadableDeviceCategory - Interface in net.sf.uadetector
Defines a category of devices.
ReadableDeviceCategory.Category - Enum in net.sf.uadetector
Contains all at the time of implementation known device categories, so that a caller can easily and type-safe test against them.
ReadableOperatingSystem - Interface in net.sf.uadetector
Defines an operating system.
ReadableUserAgent - Interface in net.sf.uadetector
Defines an user agent.
ReadableVersionNumber - Interface in net.sf.uadetector
Defines a version number of an operating system or user agent.
readData(DataReader, URL, Charset) - Static method in class net.sf.uadetector.datastore.AbstractDataStore
This method reads the given URL by using an DataReader.
readXml(InputStream, Charset) - Static method in class net.sf.uadetector.datareader.XmlDataReader
Reads the UAS data in XML format based on the given URL.
refresh() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.datastore.AbstractRefreshableDataStore
Triggers the update of the DataStore.
refresh() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.datastore.RefreshableDataStore
Triggers the update of the DataStore.
RefreshableDataStore - Interface in net.sf.uadetector.datastore
Extends the interface with an update functionality for UAS data in the store.
RegularExpressionConverter - Class in net.sf.uadetector.internal.util
RegularExpressionConverter.Flag - Enum in net.sf.uadetector.internal.util
replaceNullValueWithEmptyGroup(List<String>) - Static method in class net.sf.uadetector.VersionNumber
Replaces all null values in the given list of groups with VersionNumber#EMPTY_GROUP.
resolveEntity(String, String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.XmlDataHandler
Robot - Class in net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain
Robot(int, String, UserAgentFamily, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Robot
Robot.Builder - Class in net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain
Robot.Builder() - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Robot.Builder
Robot.Builder(Robot) - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Robot.Builder
run() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.datastore.AbstractUpdateOperation
Executes the update at some time in the future (as soon as possible) within a new thread.


setBrowserId(int) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.BrowserOperatingSystemMapping.Builder
Sets the identification number of a browser entry.
setBrowserId(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.BrowserOperatingSystemMapping.Builder
Sets the identification number of a browser entry via a string.
setCategory(ReadableDeviceCategory.Category) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.DeviceCategory.Builder
setData(Data) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.datastore.AbstractRefreshableDataStore
Sets new UAS data in the store.
setDeviceCategory(DeviceCategory) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent.Builder
setFamily(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystem.Builder
setFamily(UserAgentFamily) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent.Builder
setFamilyName(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser.Builder
setFamilyName(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Robot.Builder
setIcon(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.DeviceCategory.Builder
setIcon(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser.Builder
setIcon(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Device.Builder
setIcon(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystem.Builder
setIcon(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Robot.Builder
setIcon(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent.Builder
setId(int) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser.Builder
setId(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser.Builder
setId(int) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.BrowserPattern.Builder
Sets the identification number of a browser pattern entry.
setId(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.BrowserPattern.Builder
Sets the identification number (ID) of a browser pattern.
setId(int) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.BrowserType.Builder
Sets the identification number (ID).
setId(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.BrowserType.Builder
Sets the identification number via a string.
setId(int) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Device.Builder
setId(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Device.Builder
setId(int) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.DevicePattern.Builder
Sets the identification number of a device pattern entry.
setId(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.DevicePattern.Builder
Sets the identification number (ID) of a device pattern.
setId(int) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystem.Builder
setId(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystem.Builder
setId(int) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystemPattern.Builder
Sets the identification number of an operating system pattern entry.
setId(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystemPattern.Builder
Sets the identification number (ID) of an operating system pattern.
setId(int) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Robot.Builder
setId(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Robot.Builder
setInfoUrl(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.DeviceCategory.Builder
setInfoUrl(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser.Builder
setInfoUrl(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Device.Builder
setInfoUrl(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystem.Builder
setInfoUrl(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Robot.Builder
setName(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.DeviceCategory.Builder
setName(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.BrowserType.Builder
Sets the name.
setName(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Device.Builder
setName(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystem.Builder
setName(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Robot.Builder
setName(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent.Builder
setOperatingSystem(OperatingSystem) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser.Builder
setOperatingSystem(OperatingSystem) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent.Builder
setOperatingSystem(ReadableOperatingSystem) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent.Builder
setOperatingSystemId(int) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.BrowserOperatingSystemMapping.Builder
Sets the identification number of an operating system entry.
setOperatingSystemId(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.BrowserOperatingSystemMapping.Builder
Sets the identification number of an operating system entry via a string.
setPattern(Pattern) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.BrowserPattern.Builder
Sets a regular expression for a browser pattern.
setPattern(Pattern) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.DevicePattern.Builder
Sets a regular expression for a device pattern.
setPattern(Pattern) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystemPattern.Builder
Sets a regular expression for an operating system pattern.
setPatterns(SortedSet<BrowserPattern>) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser.Builder
setPatterns(SortedSet<DevicePattern>) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Device.Builder
setPatterns(SortedSet<OperatingSystemPattern>) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystem.Builder
setPerlRegularExpression(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.BrowserPattern.Builder
Converts a PERL regular expression in a Java regular expression and sets it in the Builder.
setPerlRegularExpression(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.DevicePattern.Builder
Converts a PERL regular expression in a Java regular expression and sets it in the Builder.
setPerlRegularExpression(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystemPattern.Builder
Converts a PERL regular expression in a Java regular expression and sets it in the Builder.
setPosition(int) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.BrowserPattern.Builder
Sets the position of a browser pattern in a set of patterns.
setPosition(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.BrowserPattern.Builder
Sets the position of a browser pattern in a set of patterns.
setPosition(int) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.DevicePattern.Builder
Sets the position of a device pattern in a set of patterns.
setPosition(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.DevicePattern.Builder
Sets the position of a device pattern in a set of patterns.
setPosition(int) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystemPattern.Builder
Sets the position of an operating system pattern in a set of patterns.
setPosition(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystemPattern.Builder
Sets the position of an operating system pattern in a set of patterns.
setProducer(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser.Builder
setProducer(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystem.Builder
setProducer(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Robot.Builder
setProducer(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent.Builder
setProducerUrl(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser.Builder
setProducerUrl(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystem.Builder
setProducerUrl(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Robot.Builder
setProducerUrl(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent.Builder
setType(BrowserType) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser.Builder
setType(UserAgentType) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent.Builder
setTypeId(int) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser.Builder
setTypeId(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser.Builder
setTypeName(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent.Builder
setUpdateInterval(long) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.parser.UpdatingUserAgentStringParserImpl
Sets a new update interval in milliseconds.
setUpdateOperation(UpdateOperation) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.datastore.AbstractRefreshableDataStore
Sets a new update operation.
setUrl(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser.Builder
setUrl(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystem.Builder
setUrl(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent.Builder
setUserAgentString(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Robot.Builder
setUserAgentString(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent.Builder
setVersion(String) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.DataBuilder
setVersionNumber(VersionNumber) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent.Builder
shutdown() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.datastore.AbstractUpdateOperation
Shuts down the corresponding background executor as soon as possible, but at the latest specified default time.
shutdown() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.datastore.UpdateOperation
Shuts down the corresponding background executor.
shutdown(ExecutorService) - Static method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.util.ExecutorServices
Shutdowns the given ExecutorService as soon as possible, but not later than the specified default time (which is 5L seconds).
shutdown(ExecutorService, long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.util.ExecutorServices
Shutdowns the given ExecutorService as soon as possible, but not later than the specified time.
shutdown() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.parser.AbstractUserAgentStringParser
shutdown() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.parser.UpdatingUserAgentStringParserImpl
shutdown() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.UserAgentStringParser
In environments where the JVM will never shut down while reinstalling UADetector, it is necessary to manually shutdown running threads of UserAgentStringParsers with updating functionality like UADetectorServiceFactory.getCachingAndUpdatingParser() or UADetectorServiceFactory.getOnlineUpdatingParser().
SHUTDOWN_DURATION - Static variable in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.util.ExecutorServices
Timeout (in seconds) to shutdown all available executors at the latest
shutdownAll() - Static method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.util.ExecutorServices
Shuts down all registered scheduler and background workers as soon as possible, but at the latest in specified ExecutorServices.SHUTDOWN_DURATION seconds.
SimpleXmlDataStore - Class in net.sf.uadetector.datastore
This is the simplest implementation of a DataStore.
SimpleXmlDataStore(URL, URL) - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.datastore.SimpleXmlDataStore
Constructs an SimpleXmlDataStore by reading UAS data by the specified default URL DataStore.DEFAULT_DATA_URL (in XML format).
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.XmlDataHandler


toStats() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.Data
toString() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.DeviceCategory
toString() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.Data
toString() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Browser
toString() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.BrowserOperatingSystemMapping
toString() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.BrowserPattern
toString() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.BrowserType
toString() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Device
toString() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.DevicePattern
toString() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystem
toString() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.OperatingSystemPattern
toString() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Robot
toString() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.OperatingSystem
toString() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent
toString() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.VersionNumber
Returns a string representation of the version number.
toUrl(File) - Static method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.util.UrlUtil
Gets the URL to a given File.
toVersionString() - Method in interface net.sf.uadetector.ReadableVersionNumber
Gets this version number as string.
toVersionString() - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.VersionNumber
Gets this version number as string.
TYPENAME - Static variable in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.domain.Robot
Default type name to support the classification against corresponding enum later


UASDATA_DEF - Static variable in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.XmlDataHandler
Path to the internal Document Type Definition (DTD) of UAS data files to be able to work completely offline
UASDATA_DEF_URL - Static variable in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.XmlDataHandler
URL to the Document Type Definition (DTD) of UAS data files
UNKNOWN - Static variable in class net.sf.uadetector.VersionNumber
Defines an empty or not set version number
UpdateOperation - Interface in net.sf.uadetector.datastore
Defines an update operation which will be executed within a executor service in background.
UpdatingUserAgentStringParserImpl - Class in net.sf.uadetector.parser
This parser checks once per day if newer data are available.
UpdatingUserAgentStringParserImpl(RefreshableDataStore) - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.parser.UpdatingUserAgentStringParserImpl
Constructs an instance of OnlineUserAgentStringParser.
UrlUtil - Class in net.sf.uadetector.internal.util
This class is intended to provide URL utility functions that encapsulate the checked exceptions like MalformedURLException during the construction of an URL or the IOException while opening a stream to an URL.
UserAgent - Class in net.sf.uadetector
UserAgent is an immutable entity that represents the informations about web-based client applications like Web browsers, search engines or crawlers (spiders) as well as mobile phones, screen readers and braille browsers.
UserAgent(DeviceCategory, UserAgentFamily, String, String, OperatingSystem, String, String, UserAgentType, String, String, VersionNumber) - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent
UserAgent.Builder - Class in net.sf.uadetector
UserAgent.Builder() - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent.Builder
UserAgent.Builder(String) - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.UserAgent.Builder
UserAgentFamily - Enum in net.sf.uadetector
This enum represents the more commonly used user agent families.
UserAgentStringParser - Interface in net.sf.uadetector
Basic interface for user agent string parsers.
UserAgentStringParserImpl<T extends DataStore> - Class in net.sf.uadetector.parser
This parser is an implementation of UserAgentStringParser interface and can detect user agents.
UserAgentStringParserImpl(T) - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.parser.UserAgentStringParserImpl
Constructs an UserAgentStringParser using the given UAS data as detection source.
UserAgentType - Enum in net.sf.uadetector
This enum represents the type of an user agent.


validate(XmlDataHandler) - Static method in class net.sf.uadetector.datareader.XmlDataReader.XmlParser
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.XmlDataHandler.Tag
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.sf.uadetector.internal.util.RegularExpressionConverter.Flag
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.sf.uadetector.OperatingSystemFamily
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.sf.uadetector.ReadableDeviceCategory.Category
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.sf.uadetector.UserAgentFamily
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.sf.uadetector.UserAgentType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.XmlDataHandler.Tag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum net.sf.uadetector.internal.util.RegularExpressionConverter.Flag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum net.sf.uadetector.OperatingSystemFamily
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum net.sf.uadetector.ReadableDeviceCategory.Category
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum net.sf.uadetector.UserAgentFamily
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum net.sf.uadetector.UserAgentType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VersionNumber - Class in net.sf.uadetector
The VersionNumber class represents the version number of an operating system or User-Agent.
VersionNumber(List<String>) - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.VersionNumber
Constructs a VersionNumber with the given numeric groups, such as major, minor and bugfix number.
VersionNumber(List<String>, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.VersionNumber
Constructs a VersionNumber with the given numeric groups, such as major, minor and bugfix number and extension.
VersionNumber(String) - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.VersionNumber
Constructs a VersionNumber with the given major number and without a minor and bugfix number.
VersionNumber(String, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.VersionNumber
Constructs a VersionNumber with the given major, minor number and without a bugfix number.
VersionNumber(String, String, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.VersionNumber
Constructs a VersionNumber with the given major, minor and bugfix number.
VersionNumber(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.VersionNumber
Constructs a VersionNumber with the given major, minor and bugfix number and extension.


warning(SAXParseException) - Method in class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.XmlDataHandler
write(Data, OutputStream) - Static method in class net.sf.uadetector.writer.IniDataWriter
Transforms a given Data instance into XML and writes it to the passed in OutputStream.
write(Data, OutputStream) - Static method in class net.sf.uadetector.writer.XmlDataWriter
Transforms a given Data instance into XML and writes it to the passed in OutputStream.


XmlDataHandler - Class in net.sf.uadetector.internal.data
XmlDataHandler(DataBuilder) - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.internal.data.XmlDataHandler
XmlDataHandler.Tag - Enum in net.sf.uadetector.internal.data
XmlDataReader - Class in net.sf.uadetector.datareader
Reader for the XML data for UASparser from http://user-agent-string.info.
XmlDataReader() - Constructor for class net.sf.uadetector.datareader.XmlDataReader
XmlDataReader.XmlParser - Class in net.sf.uadetector.datareader
XmlDataWriter - Class in net.sf.uadetector.writer
This utility is intended to transform an instance of Data into an UAS data conform XML document and allows us to recreate an uas.xml.


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